Jeannine Ouimet (CCR), Cindi Emond (CCR), Peter Egyed (Counsellor, Public Affairs - Embassy of Canada), Caterina Ricciardi, Jane Urquhart (seated), Nicoletta Barbarito (CCR), and Laura Ferri, (translator)
Monday, December 14, 2009
CCR Book Club - Più Libri Più Liberi
Earlier in the month several members of the Book Club attended the 8th annual Small & Medium Publisher's Book Fair under the auspices of Più Libri Più Liberi. The event was a reading by Canadian writer Jane Urquhart from her novel The Stone Carvers published in 2001 by McClelland & Stewart. Here in Italy it has been translated by Laura Ferri and published by Cosmo Iannone Editore under the title Klara.