Friday, May 24, 2024

Historical Aperitivo: Garibaldi’s Staten Island Sojourn - June 18, 2024

In 1851, having barely escaped Italy with his life, Giuseppe Garibaldi moved into the humble home of Antonio Meucci on Staten Island, in New York City. What does this episode on the periphery of the Risorgimento tell us about this complex and larger than life historical figure carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders? Historian Christine Contrada, who described the ominous death of Julius Cesar on the Ides of March for us, is returning to give a brief explanation of Garibaldi's connections to Rome and the historic Testaccio district.
When: Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Time: 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Where: Angelineria Cocktail Salotto, Via Galvani 24 (Testaccio area)
Cost: €15 for the aperitivo combo with a drink (wine, beer or select cocktails) and snacks including mini arancino, mini focaccia, olives and chips. Other food options available. Each participant is responsible for payment of whatever they order.
RSVP: ATTN Marina to secure a spot at our table.