Ferrante has never been seen or heard in person and refuses to be
interviewed; whether the name hides a man or a woman author is also a well-kept secret. Her novels, set in Naples, deal with the lives of two friends,
Elena and Lila, in and against a rough social context. Elena is the
Word is that Ferrante's last novel may be one of the books
running for the 2015 PREMIO STREGA, the most renowned literary award in
When: Thursday, May 21, 2015
Time: 7:30 p.m. One of the covers used for "My Brilliant Friend" |
When: Thursday, May 21, 2015
Where: Via Aurelia area -- exact address sent to confirmed participants by email.
Potluck Dinner: Please RSVP letting Nicoletta know what dish you will be preparing for 6 people.
Further info & RSVP: canadarome@gmail.com ATTN Nicoletta Barbarito
NB: Feltrinelli International sells this novel both in Italian and in English (translated by Anne Goldstein).