Please note that ALL PROCEEDS from this event will go to CCR's sponsored charity for the 2012-2013 season, the Lieutenant Governor’s Aboriginal Summer Reading Camps.

Stefano will then introduce us to Salame di Felino, a pure pork salame from Felino, a small town located in the green Baganza valley, also near Parma, and to Canestrato di Pienza cheese, made from pure sheep's milk near Siena in Tuscany.
Apart from the modest participation fee, we will be raising more funds by selling glasses of wine (on an honour basis) and by asking participants to bring an item to be auctioned in a very fun way.
Have you received a gorgeous gift that just doesn't fit your home décor? Have duplicate items at home? Switched from gold to silver jewellery? Want to de-clutter? Instead of re-gifting or having it take up precious space, let us auction it off so that it can become someone else's treasure or signature piece! And thereby contribute to our charity!
When: Thursday, November 29, 2012
Have you received a gorgeous gift that just doesn't fit your home décor? Have duplicate items at home? Switched from gold to silver jewellery? Want to de-clutter? Instead of re-gifting or having it take up precious space, let us auction it off so that it can become someone else's treasure or signature piece! And thereby contribute to our charity!
When: Thursday, November 29, 2012
Where: CCR member's private residence, Monte Mario area (near the Cavalieri Hotel) - exact address sent to confirmed participants
Time: 7 p.m
Donation: CCR Members €10, guests €15, which includes unlimited tastings of the coldcuts and cheese, along with bread and water/non-alcoholic beverages and a light pasta dish; glasses of wine for €5 euros each; donation of a new or gently-used item for auction. ALL PROCEEDS WILL GO TO OUR CHARITY.
More information on the Lieutenant Governor’s Aboriginal Summer Reading Camps: see here.