After the death of her husband, Emperor Augustus, on 19 August of the year 14 A.D., Empress Livia retired to a large and beautiful villa north of the city of Rome at the 9th mile of the Via Flaminia. The villa was discovered again in the18th century, and soon yielded wonderful works of art, some of them still recognized today as fundamental to understanding the Augustan period. It was here that, after Augustus's death, the Imperial Cult was codified and turned into a powerful political weapon. Our visit takes place after important restorations marking the 2000th anniversary of Augustus's death.

Time: 9:45 a.m.
€14 for CCR members, €19 for non-members. N.B. Please bring exact change, as this will greatly facilitate the process for everyone.
required by Wednesday, January 14th, ATTN Joe or Peter at or Olivia
Ercoli at You are financially responsible for your
Max 20 people allowed. Car
pooling will be organized as the location close to Prima Porta cemetery is not
easy to reach with public transport.
Please bring correct change, familiarize yourself with the meeting place ahead
of time and make sure you are ready to depart promptly.