Thursday, February 25, 2010

Italian Theatre Night - March 3, 2010

Italian Theater Night
First of a new CCR event

CCR member Margot Sikabonyi stars in the play

“Its all Men’s Fault”
(Tutta colpa degli uomini)

at Teatro de’ Servi
from 16 February to 7 March 2010
Tuesday - Friday at 2100
Saturday at 1730 & 2100
Sunday at 1730
Platea 20 euro and galleria 17 euro.

This is the first of a new event Italian Theater Night, that member Mary Ellen Sikabonyi will regularly be organizing for the CCR. The theater outing will be this MARCH 3RD
Contact Mary Ellen at 3496380832 for details.


Three thirty year old women are going through a sentimental and sexual crisis which devours them and precipitates into a hilarious comedy of misunderstandings.

What happens when Cecilia has to deal with her 30th birthday? That moment in her life when as a child she had imagined herself with a marvellous husband, three children and a dog…instead today she has to face her birthday as a single (still), in a depressing situation of precarious work, a fiancé that continues to postpone living together and responsibility, a brother who was abandoned at the altar, and her best friend Laura, heterosexual until a minute before who declares that she is hopelessly in love with Cecilia.

“It’s All Men’s Fault” is a funny tragedy where three thirty year old women comically search for a sentimental equilibrium. Cecilia searches for her answers in continuous amorous fiascos, Laura escapes from men by inventing a sudden homosexuality, Martina provokes her future husband with continuous emotional shocks to test whether he is marrying her for love or for inertia.

Three unsatisfied women, victims and carnage of their own men, to whom they attribute all types of blame, but tenderly and desperately in love with love for which they are ready to sacrifice everything for a miraculous sign that love does exist.

Please note that “Tutta colpa degli uomini” is in Italian.