Special permission secured for access to Testaccio Hill (Monte dei Cocci) archaeological site.
Continuing our series on ‘’Food, Politics and Empires,’’ we start off at Porta San Paolo, where a small museum illustrates the story of the Via Ostiensis, the Roman port-cities, and the impact of the walls on food supply after the 3rd century. We then stop off at Testaccio's “Mattatoio,” Rome's first modern abattoir, built at the end of the 19th century in what was to become a purpose-built working-class district. Its buildings are now home to “Città dell'Altra Economia,” a project focusing on taking a new look at food and its supply in the modern city. It includes an organic market, a café, a restaurant, and an exhibition and conference centre. We then set off to inspect the Testaccio hill, literally a huge dumping ground for ancient Rome's discarded amphorae. From 1st century onwards the terracotta jars were smashed once they reached Rome, after being emptied of their contents: olive oil! Special permission for access to the site.
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Time: 10:30 a.m (please note we're starting later than usual; this is to accommodate our reservation for the Testaccio hill archaeological site). The walk lasts about two and a half hours, starting promptly at 10:30 and concluding around 1:00 p.m.
Cost: €10 for CCR members, €15 for non-members. San
Paolo Museum: free. Entrance ticket for Testaccio Archaeological Excavation
area: 4 euro per person.Time: 10:30 a.m (please note we're starting later than usual; this is to accommodate our reservation for the Testaccio hill archaeological site). The walk lasts about two and a half hours, starting promptly at 10:30 and concluding around 1:00 p.m.
RSVP required by Wednesday October 9, ATTN Linda at canadarome@gmail.com or Olivia Ercoli at oliviaercoli1@gmail.com. You are financially responsible for your reservation.
NOTE: Please bring correct change, familiarize yourself with the meeting place ahead of time and make sure you are ready to depart promptly.