permission secured for access to the Auditorium di Mecenate.
Much of
the Esquiline Hill originally lay outside the Servian Walls and was occupied by
cemeteries. These disappeared during Augustus's times, as his long-time friend
and political ally Maecenas, reclaimed the area for a large villa and extensive
gardens lavishly decorated with statuary, fountains and pavilions. In Largo
Leopardi one of these pavilions was rediscovered in the 19th century during
excavations in the area of Piazza Vittorio.
Saturday, Feb. 22, 2014
9:30 a.m. Please be punctual as the permit is for 9:30 sharp. Those who would
like to meet for coffee beforehand, please join us at 9:00 a.m. The walk
lasts about two and a half hours.
Point: a bar in the area of Largo Leopardi
€10 for CCR members, €15 for non-members. Entrance fee: €4
RSVP required by Wednesday, February 19. ATTN: Linda at canadarome@gmail.com or Olivia at oliviaercoli1@gmail.com. You are financially responsible for your reservation.
RSVP required by Wednesday, February 19. ATTN: Linda at canadarome@gmail.com or Olivia at oliviaercoli1@gmail.com. You are financially responsible for your reservation.
Please bring correct change, familiarize yourself with the meeting place ahead
of time and make sure you are ready to depart promptly.