Sunday, February 16, 2014

CCR Art Talk with Olivia: Salt, Sheep and Water… the Shaping of Italy - March 1, 2014

The Italian peninsula, its main communications, place names and history are intimately related to these three vital elements. In a short slide presentation we look at the ways in which the resources of salt, sheep and water helped shape today's Italian landscape and cities in surprising ways.

“Potluck” light refreshments will be served halfway through the 90-minute slide-show and we ask everyone to bring something to share. Please confirm your contribution with Linda or Olivia when you reserve. 

When: Saturday, March 1, 2014 
Time: 7 p.m. 
Where: Quartiere delle Valli area at the fork between Nomentana Nuova and Nomentana Vecchia. It is 3.8kms outside Piazza Porta Pia. Address information will be sent to participants upon confirmation. 
Cost: CCR members €10, non-members €15 - plus potluck contribution. 
RSVP: by Wednesday, February 26, ATTN Linda at or Olivia at