The Italian Renaissance is a time in which memorable female figures graced the cultural and artistic world. They may have made their mark on their own or as the wives or lovers of great men. They ranged from artists to intellectuals to noble-ladies and even to high class courtesans ("cortigiane oneste"). This walk focuses on this last group, many of whom were able to weave themselves into the social fabric of their time in new and interesting ways, and in some cases acquire the elusive "respectability" they coveted. Join us as we explore the many facets of this difficult, brittle world, by looking at the neighborhoods they lived in, the churches they patronized, and in some cases the artwork which captured this long-lost world.
The courtesan "Antea" -- detail, by Parmigianino |
When: Saturday, October 28, 2017
Time: 10 a.m.
Meeting point: Coffee bar near Piazza Farnese; exact location sent to confirmed participants by email.
Cost: €10 for members and €15 for non-members.
RSVP required by Wed. Oct. 25, ATTN Joe at You are financially responsible for your reservation.
NB: Please bring correct change.