We will be joining the American International Club of Rome and l'Union - Français de Rome et du Latium for a tasting evening that will showcase the season's new produce in an exciting, innovating and delicious way. At this exploration of regional foods for spring, our highly international and multilingual group of will taste these delicacies while listening to a live jazz duo and learning more about Italy's spring offerings.
The evening includes group games to learn more about regional cooking, with prizes. The event is currently open only to AICR, l'Union and CCR members in good standing for the current year, plus their dates.
Menu (Standing Buffet):
ANTIPASTI: - Bicchierino tricolore - Crema di piselli con gamberetti - Parmigiana di zucchine
PRIMO: - Lasagne ai carciofi
SECONDO: - Polpettone ripieno di piselli e spinaci con contorno foglie di salvia fritte
CONTORNO AGGIUNTIVO: - Insalata spinaci a foglia piccola, funghi e noci
DESSERT: - Mousse di cocco con mela verde - Crema di yogurt con kiwi e granella di pistacchi
water, wine, prosecco, bread
When: Saturday, March 21, 2015
Where: Palazzo del Gallo, Via Foro Traiano
Time: 8 p.m.
Cost: Per person: €50 for members and the +1 of members; advance payment required. Payment options are as follows: 1) Send a wire transfer to the AICR. Contact the office at aicr@aicrome.org for bank details. 2) By Paypal. There is a €2.50 commision per ticket. See payment button on AICR site event page. 3) In person at the AICR First Friday Happy Hour on March 6th at Hotel Art (Via Margutta).
RSVP to aicr@aicrome.org specifying that you are a current member of the CCR in good standing, and copy in canadarome@gmail.com